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Repairing violins and cellos
Before - After

Here are a few pictures of repairs I have done 









Violin neck unglued

Anchor 1

When a neck comes unglued, 99% of the time, it is because the fitting and the gluing surfaces were not properly done in the first place. 

In order to have a reliable repair, a refitting needs to be done, before re-gluing. 

You will see here is the whole process explained in pictures. 

Violin Repair Before After
Preparing neck reset
Violin repair before after
Gluing violin neck
Retouching violin neck
Anchor 2

Cello button crack repair

This Cello had many borer holes in the back, especially in the area of the button. This was putting in danger the life of the cello, debilitating the button which is holding the high tension of the neck. 

After fumigating the cello, and making sure no more borer was alive, here are the pictures of the process of creating a new button, with a new piece of wood inserted in the bottom plate. 

Cello Button repair | Le violon rouge NZ  | Violin repair | Auckland
Cello button repair whole process | Le violon rouge NZ | Violin repair | Auckland

Violin pegbox crack repair 

From my blog

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